Project eTwinning 2a - Padlet brainstorming

In week 2 of the Open eTwinning MOOC we were challenged to analyse our own teaching practice. What would we like to improve? What new things do we want to try? What is not going well?

The brainstorming was collected on this padlet board:

My addition was:

1. What can I improve?
I would like to make my lessons more engaging and be able to let go of the set textbooks more often and use my own material instead or as supplement. I would like to use more collaborative learning and more learner autonomy.
2. What would I like to try?
I would like to try to design and participate in an etwinning project, focusing on oral fluency and intercultural competency. 
3. What am I not happy with?
I'm not happy with the way my students are turning into consumers. They expect me to do the learning for them and are not motivated to learn. Many of them don't have a growth mindset.
4. Is there anything which is not working?
When browsing the projects I saw many projects with a long running time, and also many projects that stretch over several subjects. Those are not practical for me, I'm looking for small projects, centering on the use of English in word and text, and perhaps cultural elements.


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