Project eTwinning 2b - inspiring projects and tools for my lessons
While browsing the eTwinning projects and related ICT tools I felt a little overwhelmed. There are so many tools and they all look great, so for now it feels like I am collecting ideas at a really high speed without a practical idea of how to use them. I will talk about the tools more in upcoming posts, after I have had some time to try them out ans assess their usefulness. The projects I saw were also interesting, but many of them were very impractical for my teaching situation. I am a secondary school teacher and my subject is English - doing a project together with other subjects such as geography or the sciences is not yet possible in our school situation, so I need to make or find a project that focuses mostly on language skills and also, very importantly, will help my students along to reach their goals for this year - it can't just be fun to do! One such project that really spoke to me was the "Hotel rules" project which you can find here: