Project eTwinning 3a - Draft project: Climate change

This week we are due to make a draft for our very own eTwinning project and submit it to peer review. I was inspired by a wonderful project I linked to last week, from the ESL times: (link in Spanish). To start off my draft, I decided to make a mindmap (I had too many ideas and not enough structure). Below, you find a presentation of this mindmap, using the great tool Mindmeister Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit Theme: The impact of climate change in different European countries // Title: Your future, our future. on MindMeister. Theme: The impact of climate change in different European countries // Title: Your future, our future. by Miss Henstra The mindmap turned into almost a complete draft in itself, but I've decided to present it here on my blog in a more conventional way as well. Title Climate Change: My Future, Your Future, Our future Theme Climate change and i...